Split mailing list

You can use this action to split a source file into several files. Please note that during the splitting procedure bad addresses won't be written to the output files, so probably it would be advisable to run the address correction operation first. Note that output files are always given names different from that of the source file, so the source file cannot be damaged or overwritten. The following splitting modes are supported:

Splitting by file size

You can set the maximum size for output files. If, for example, the size of source file is 110 K, and the size of output file is set to 50 K, you will get three files after splitting: two 50 K files and one 10 K file. Addresses are written to the output files in the same order as in the source file.

By number of addresses

If you set maximum number of addresses in the output file to 1000, and the source list contains 3500 addresses, you will get four files: three containing 1000 addresses and one with 500 addresses. Addresses are written to the output files in the same order as in the source file.

By change of the first-level domain

Obviously, prior to processing a file, address sorting by the first level domain is to be performed. Suppose you have a giant list and you want to save all addresses from .COM, .NET and .ORG domains contained in it to separate files for each domain. To do that, you have to sort the source list first and then split it by the first-level domain (separate files with addresses will be created for each domain, their total number may be up to about a hundred: .IT, .JP, .ES, etc.). After that, remove contents of files with .COM, .NET. and .ORG addresses (depending on the chosen pattern, they may be named, for example, mylist.txt.COM, mylist.txt.NET, mylist.txt.ORG) from the source file. Then delete all files except the source file and mylist.txt.COM, mylist.txt.NET, mylist.txt.ORG. So, the task can be solved just in three MLW actions.

By change of the second-level domain

The same as above. However, please note that change of the first-level domain also accounts. For example, addresses from domains mysite.com and mysite.org will be written to different output files.

By change of mailbox name

Just in the same way, the source list needs to be sorted by mailbox name first. Difference in domain names doesn't account, so addresses webmaster@microsoft.com and webmaster@mailutilities.com will be written to the same output file.

Besides, you have to specify the output file naming schema. The following variants are possible:

Add number

Each output file will be assigned a number in ascending order starting from 1. For example, the source list name is mylist.txt and three output files are generated, then they will be named mylist.txt.001, mylist.txt.002 and mylist.txt.003.

By the first-level domain of the first address

For example, we are splitting the following file by the first-level domain change:





We will get three output files: mylist.txt.com, mylist.txt.net and mylist.txt.org. Now assume we are trying to split unsorted file by the first-level domain name:





MLW will create files mylist.txt.com and mylist.txt.net. Then it will reach the address jane@email.com, the first-level domain will change (from .net to .com) and a new file will be created, named mylist.txt.com according to the settings chosen. The file with the same name created earlier will be overwritten without warning.

By the second-level domain of the first address

In the same way as the above. Theoretically, this naming mode should be only used when splitting a file by a second-level domain. However MLW allows using it under any file splitting mode. That's why the name of the mode contains the words "...the first address", as addresses written to a file may belong to different domains, regardless of the output file naming mode chosen.

By the mailbox name of the first address

Absolutely similar to the above two naming modes.