Claire Swire: wanna know who she is?
December 15, 2000
Well, this has been an interesting week for all fellatio lovers out there. To be honest, we've been sitting on Claire Swire's true identity for a day because first we'd heard she might have lost her job and then there were the rather nasty legal implications.
However, Claire still has her job at - an affiliate service provider based in Chelsea Harbour. In fact, we've heard that she'll be on the TV later today (Channel 5, we think) and has sold her story to the Mail on Sunday. Do we sense the hand of Max Clifford?
Anyway, Claire, it would seem, is a bit of a character - or "a bit mental" as one ex-colleague described her - and we have heard some cracking stories about her, mostly regarding blokes. She's an archetypal PR bunny - very rich parents, lives in a cracking flat in Fulham, has had a range of jobs (BBC Online, iCollector, among others).
And she's known to millions as "the girl who thinks cum is yum". The thing is, in this modern existence, there's probably a world of opportunity here for her - TV appearances, a ghost-written book, a tasteless late-night game show, a single (Jive-Bunny cover? :-) ). It's a different way to use sex to forward your career, but hey, just as effective.
Kieren McCarthy, The Register