Smi: Successful Strategies for Email Marketing
January 25, 2001
JAN 25, 2001, M2 Communications - Successful Strategies for Email Marketing 26th - 27th March 2001, The Hatton
Email marketing has come a long way. Provided it is used correctly, it is one of the most powerful tools of marketing! How can you successfully integrate email marketing into your existing marketing communication mix?
Successful Strategies for Email Marketing, through illustrative case studies and presentations, discusses successful strategies that have been adopted by some organisations. Key issues addressed at this conference include, amongst others, best practices for permission email marketing techniques, how to integrate email marketing into your global marketing promotion and achieving customer loyalty and retention.
Key speakers include:
* Paul Griffith, Chief Executive, E-Marketing
* Mark Compton-Hall, Innovation Consultant, Business Innovation Services, IBM UK
* Keith May, Data Market Development Manager, Royal Mail
* Jeffrey Baumgartner, Expert, Electronic Commerce Unit, Information Society DG, European Commission
* David Woodrow, Director of Sales - Mail Europe, 24/7 Media
* Dave Thomson, Marketing Manager, Aspect Communications UK
* Matthew Stainer, Managing Consultant, Prime Response
* Chris Whittle, Head of Database & Direct Marketing Services, Total Romtec
Not only is this conference designed to be hands on and practical, this is also your opportunity to network with industry peers and speakers to discuss marketing developments and potential. The high quality of our speakers means that you can be confident of gaining valuable information from the experts.
But that's not all. Also featuring at this conference are 2 half-day interactive workshops:
Effective E-marketing - Respecting The Customer In association with: NewWorld Commerce 28th March 2001, The Hatton
Corporate Internet Publicity In association with: 28th March 2001, The Hatton
But hurry, Spaces are limited! Sign up now Successful Strategies for Email Marketing. Visit or call our delegate hotline on +44 (0) 20 7827 6108
Plan Ahead With Our Forward Schedule
In order to help you plan your diary we have included a full listing of SMi's New Media conferences and workshops until April 2001.
* E-Business in Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Industry, 29-30 January 2001 The Hatton, London View the programme & register online at:
* Sport and Money, 31 January - 1 February 2001 The Hatton, London View the programme & register online at
* Online Recruitment II 26-27 March 2001 The Hatton, London View the programme & register online at:
* High Bandwidth MAN & WAN 26-27 March 2001 The Hatton, London View the programme & register online at:
* E-Commerce Application Strategies - Development, Deployment & Integration 2-3 April 2001 The Hatton, London View the programme & register online at:
To see more detailed listings and documentation available from past events please visit
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