New E-Mail Virus Protection System Announces $10,000.00 Worldwide Challenge
April 2, 2001
WASHINGTON, April 2 /PRNewswire/ -- On April 1, 2001, Gatekeeper LLC announced its eagerly awaited challenge to the worldwide virus writing community. $10,000.00 will be awarded to the first registered challenger to successfully penetrate a designated system protected by the new E-mail GateKeeper virus protection system.
Mason Stewart, President of Gatekeeper, LLC, stated, "We are issuing the challenge because we believe current virus protection systems can no longer be depended upon to work effectively." Published news sources reported that up to 80% of the computers infected by the Melissa virus had functioning virus protection systems that were up and running at the time of the infection. Unfortunately, the signature scanning method being used by the security products to detect viruses was hopelessly inadequate. Today's more sophisticated e-mail borne viruses routinely defeat this archaic form of virus protection.
"Consequently, we developed a 'better mouse trap'," says Stewart. "It provides our clients with complete and total protection from all forms of e-mail borne viruses. We at Gatekeeper, LLC are confident enough in the strength of our product to put our money where our mouth is."
Complete rules and details of the $10,000.00 E-mail GateKeeper challenge can be found at .
SOURCE Gatekeeper LLC, Web Site:
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