E-mail targeting shoppers
April 23, 2001
Wired Cherry Creek mall shoppers will be the first to hear of sales at their favorite stores if they subscribe to the center's new e-mail service that launches today.
The mall's new Web site, www.shopcherrycreek.com, lets users sign up to receive weekly personalized bulletins with sales, promotions, coupons and new merchandise announcements at stores in the mall.
"Our research has shown that more than two-thirds of shoppers (aim specifically for one store) when they come to Cherry Creek," said Lisa Herzlich, the mall's marketing director. Mall executives hope the service helps save shoppers time because they can target their shopping.
The site also contains a store directory, mall hours and directions and a list of gift suggestions.
Cherry Creek's parent company, Taubman Centers Inc., conducted 36 focus groups in the past year before designing the site.
It concluded that shoppers wanted "truly up-to-the-minute news about their favorite stores, especially what's on sale and store promotions. They also wanted just the information on the stores they wanted," Herzlich said.
Taubman owns 32 malls nationwide and each will offer the service.
Carol Geis, Taubman vice president of marketing, said the e-mail service is cheaper and more effective than direct mail marketing, and there are plans to offer the service on wireless phones as well.
The Web site's wireless component is available on any wireless application protocol cellphone with Phone.com and Nokia.com browser, on the Palm VII with Web browser and on the Palm V with OmniSky modem and Web browser.
By Rachel Brand, Copyright 2001 © The E.W. Scripps Co.