E-mail seeks rare blood to save dead man
June 12, 2001
An e-mail circulating the Czech Republic and Slovakia asks for a rare blood type to save a man who died six months ago.
The hospital found the required blood within two days using more traditional methods but that failed to save the man.
Bratislava Hospital is receiving 150 calls a day from people wanting to donate blood.
The e-mail says: "A person is dying in the cancer ward - he needs blood from A1B RH neg. group, which is pretty rare. If anyone has this and can donate it, please call."
Alexander Gal died last December in Bratislava.
"That e-mail is already half a year old and we never initiated anything like this," said Dr Daniela Hrubiskova, from the cancer ward at Bratislava Hospital.
The e-mail, which asks those receiving it to forward the request, is causing the hospital phone lines to jam, reports the Czech daily Mlada fronta Dnes.
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