Move to give everyone e-mail access
June 20, 2001
TENDERS have been called for a plan aimed at giving every South Australian an e-mail address.
But moves for a "virtual electorate" with two new MPs are not nearly as advanced.
Liberal sources said yesterday there was "no way" the virtual electorate plan would proceed.
The e-mail and electorate ideas were part of the Information Economy 2002 plan unveiled by Government Enterprises Minister Michael Armitage last August.
The Government plans to provide all SA residents with a personal web page and Internet e-mail address.
Tenders for the provision of the web-based e-mail services were called yesterday and will close on June 29.
The aim is to substantially increase the number of "online citizens" in SA and provide a platform for online communities and markets.
The virtual electorate would be made up of the estimated 150,000 former South Australians living outside SA.
It was envisaged they would vote via the Internet for two new MPs to represent them in the Legislative Council.
There has been increasing opposition in Liberal ranks to the idea and party sources predicted yesterday it would never proceed.
Dr Armitage's spokeswoman, Kate Griffith, said a detailed discussion paper on the virtual electorate plan would be released soon.
By State Political Reporter GREG KELTON, Copyright © 2001 News Limited