Advanced Email Extractor 2.21 has been RELEASED!
July 7, 2001
We are glad to present 2.21 version of Advanced Email Extractor! Now, you can enter search phrases (for search through search engines) to AEE in any language - from Japanese and Chinese to Arabic and Herbew. So, AEE became the first email extractor in world with multilanguage support. We recommend to use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or above for better multilanguge support. Also, we add 40+ new search engines. AEE PRO have 130 search engines and standard version have 76 search engines now. Norway and Switzerland has been added to AEE search space. And so, you can search in any langage through 130 search engines from nineteen countries with Advaced Email Extractor. You can learn more about AEE at AEE home and download English and German versions of AEE from our downloads page.