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Police to extend e-mail alert system

July 26, 2001

A police e-mail alert system being used on Savannah's southside will soon be offered citywide.

Savannah police will use an e-mail list to communicate regularly about crime issues with neighborhood association leaders. The system is called Southside Community Alert Network (SCAN).

"It's a way to get information out quickly that doesn't require a lot of telephone tag," Precinct 4 Capt. David LaGrange said Wednesday.

Precinct 4 Cpl. Albert Jeffcoat started the network on the southside this summer. It allows residents to stay informed and police to share information about meetings, arrests and other data.

About 14 southside neighborhoods already are hooked on chatting via e-mail about neighborhood events, house burglaries and even which houses have newspapers piling up outside when residents are on vacation.

The e-mail group is no replacement for 911 or personal contact with officers, Jeffcoat said. It's not for emergencies, but rather a backup for follow-up communication about reported crimes, meetings and programs. Officers still will attend neighborhood meetings.

Savannah's roughly 100 neighborhoods have about 25-30 active neighborhood associations that meet regularly to find solutions to crime.

How to get involved

Southside neighborhood associations that want to enhance cyber-communication with Savannah police can call Cpl. Albert Jeffcoat at 351-3403 or page him at 239-0110. Savannah Police Department has officer liaisons for each active association.

To obtain information about getting involved with SCAN, call your local police precinct at the following numbers:

* Precinct 1, 102 E. Lathrop Ave. (651-6990)

* Precinct 2, 1512 Bull St. (651-6931)

* Precinct 3, 1464 E. Victory Drive (651-6830)

* Precinct 4, Oglethorpe Mall (351-3400)

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