Advanced Email Parser v1.07beta RELEASED!
October 12, 2001

Advanced Email Parser v1.07beta was released at October 12, 2001. AEP
is very powerful and advanced system for automatic processing incoming
emails. In this version we have added a new component named "Filter
Group". This component be able to combine some filters (or filter's
groups) by logic operations "AND", "OR, "negative AND" and "negative
OR". Now you can create very powerful filters. Also, we have done
"Realtime Processing" and AEP can process message at once after
receiving. Now you'll have results immediately. This very helpful
feature was designed specially for processing offline data sources with
large messages amount. In the rule properties was added new switch named
"Process Only Message Header". It will increase processing speed for
unwanted messages and can protect your computer against viruses. Also,
log system was improved for processing large logs and huge debug
sessions. All known bugs were fixed - thanks for help to our
users and testers! You can learn more about AEP at
AEP home
and download it from our
downloads page.