NUS launches email campaign against debt
December 13, 2001
The National Union of Students today launched what it claimed was the biggest direct emailing campaign in the UK to call for the renewal of student grants.
The union is concerned the government's review of student funding will introduce commercial interest rates for loans. In response, it is emailing 250,000 students urging them to lobby parliament and send in details of their own hardship.
NUS president Owain James said the union had reached a critical stage in its campaign work. "It is vital that students keep pressure on those at the top who, ultimately, will be deciding the fate of a whole new generation of students. This is the biggest student email campaign ever. Along with the recent regional rallies, lobby of parliament and the national demonstration next year we are letting the government know the devastating consequences of their policies.
"NUS evidence shows that students and parents are overwhelmingly opposed to the current system - as the government found out in the last election. Six months on, the NUS is amazed to learn they are considering commercial interest rate student loans, increasing not decreasing debt. We are urging all students to tell the government about their own struggles and debt problems as well as driving for the introduction of grants and the abolition of fees."
Source: © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001