Montana spam e-mail investigation near end
March 17, 2002
BILLINGS, Mont. _ After a yearlong investigation, state officials are almost ready to file charges against one of the most notorious Internet spam operators in the United States.
"Internet Information Services are spam e-mailers who specialize in spam scams," said Cort Jensen, an attorney with the Office of Consumer Protection in Helena. "They are under investigation from my office for numerous problems."
IIS runs a drop-box operation out of Billings but has no real address and no real officials that investigators can find. But Jensen says that may change soon.
"We know where the checks are being cashed, but where the money goes after that is another interesting story," he said.
IIS sells products such as certificates of ministry, information on how to become a process server, help in getting out of debt and items including pheromones, growth hormones, cyber-spy software, snoring cures and shirts.
by Associated Press, Source: