Barbara Walters' E-mail
May 2, 2002
I have five separate interviews that I have been doing for a special 90-minute edition of 20/20 next Wednesday from 9:30 p.m. -11:00 p.m. It is called "Surviving The Glare," and we have done interviews with Kato Kaelin, Donna Rice, Greg Louganis, Sarah Ferguson (the Duchess of York), and Macaulay Culkin. How have they all survived the glare, we asked, and the answers are touching, funny and helpful. Culkin and the duchess both talked about hiding from the world after they received too much attention. To this day, Culkin, the former celebrated child star of Home Alone, says it takes him two hours ordinarily before he has the courage to leave his house. We'll also have an update on how Mariah Carey is coping with her latest exposure to the glare. This is going to be a wonderful special.
I also was very busy doing interviews for our Mother's Day 20/20 on Friday, May 10. The show features Diana Ross and her five children — three girls and two boys; and Whoopi Goldberg and her daughter, Alex. Well, that's next week — let me tell you about this week.
We have a fascinating interview with the man who knew John F. Kennedy, Jr. and now writes intimately about him. He is Richard Blow, who was the executive editor of Kennedy's magazine called George. Blow has been criticized for this tell-all book because when Kennedy was alive, he signed a confidentiality agreement not to write about him. Blow says it doesn't apply now, because Kennedy is no longer alive. He gives us intriguing details of the Kennedy marriage, John Jr.'s views on his father's morality, and the possibility of his one day running for president. This is the first interview that Blow has done, and it's a real eye-opener.
That takes care of my professional life. In my private life, I took my absolutely adorable, brilliant, little dog, Cha Cha, to the vet for her check up. Needless to say, he pronounced her perfect. I also made a keynote address at a charity luncheon for Down syndrome. These mentally challenged people live very constructive lives as a result of new understanding in the field. So, it's been a busy time for me.
Coming up this Saturday, I will be participating in the Revlon Run/Walk for breast cancer. And Sunday night, I will be part of the NBC — yes — NBC's 75th Anniversary celebration. After all, I was on the Today show for almost 15 years. What a relief not to be getting up at 4:30 in the morning any more.
Now ("finally," you say?) enough about me! This week's 20/20 also has a profile of Marlo Thomas from Lynn Sherr: "That Girl" is back on television in a new persona, in which the one-time role model for independent women becomes the mother of one. And John Stossel has a revealing story about motherhood and favoritism. It's part of John's series called "The Family Fix," and this installment deals with the way mothers can — sometimes unconsciously, sometimes knowingly — treat one child as their favorite. You won't believe what our cameras caught. John also has a classic look at the way former presidents enhance their reputations at public expense. It's our money, and John says "Give Me A Break!"
So do watch: Friday at 10 p.m. Eastern Time. And let me know what you think of the program, and your reactions to this e-mail. You can reach me at
Barbara Walters. Copyright © 2002 ABCNEWS Internet Ventures.