Two new plugins for Advanced Email Extractor
June 25, 2002
<a href=/aee/><img src=/i/extractor-plugin-2.jpg width=250 height=200 align=left border=0 alt="Advanced Email Extractor with plugins!"></a>We are glad to present two new commercial plugins. Plugins are small auxiliary programs that help
AEE to solve specific tasks and extend its capabilities. E.g. plugins can be used to solve tasks
of untypical datasource (LDAP and NNTP-servers) processing, to control AEE surfing by screening
unneeded links and/or by supplying URLs for processing, to process found e-mail addresses.
Also, the plugins can access web-pages under processing and retrieve specific data. Actually,
plugin can fully substitute AEE logic, leaving untouched only the HTML parsing function and
visualization of the data found.
First, "LDAP Plugin" is descigned to extract emails and names from LDAP directories in
Intranet/Internet, including directories of Microsoft Exchange, Lotus
Domino and iPlanet servers. This plugin is example of processing of untypical sources with AEE.
Second is example of retrieving of specific data. "Meta Tags Explorer" is designed
to search for metadata (content of meta tags) on pages scanned by
Advanced Email Extractor. You can use it to view and analyze
metadata found, and save it in varied formats. We are strong
recommend to all webmasters to scan their sites with this plugin to catch
broken links and get all meta data in one table to check. Plugins
are available for download at <a href=/aee/extractor-plugins.html>plugins page</a>.
In June-July we plan to release five cool plugins, subscribe to
<a href=/newsletters/>AEE newsletter</a> to be informed!