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Improve email marketing by centralizing control

October 4, 2007

According to recent research by StrongMail, in association with JupiterResearch, businesses need to centralize their email marketing activities or risk damaging their brand’s reputation.

While 93 percent of executives surveyed for the research confirmed they had in place some type of email marketing process, nearly a quarter said six or more departments managed it separately. Just 38 percent said that their email marketing activities were centralized in one location.

Without the co-ordination of email messaging and related consumer analysis, businesses run the risk of over-emailing or duplicating messages. Worse still, there is less likely to be a consistency of brand style and message.

The survey, “Maturation of Email: Controlling Messaging Chaos Through Centralization”, backs this up. Just over a quarter (26 percent) of respondents agreed that they understood the frequency of messaging to their customers and nearly half (44 percent) appreciated that their email campaigns would be more effective if activity was centered in one location.

Author:  Helen Leggatt


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