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Making email marketing suitable for mobile devices 'is a serious issue'

May 7, 2008

<p>Ensuring that <a href="">email marketing</a> is suitable to be viewed on mobile devices is becoming "a serious issue", according to an expert.

<p>The president and chief executive of Gold Lasso, Elie Ashery, said that systems including BlackBerrys are becoming increasingly popular as a way for people to check their messages.

<p>In a column for, the expert went on to explain that a major issue is the fact that many of the devices only show text emails, meaning that businesses may have to adapt their messages from the HTML format.

<p>He explained: "A clear and exciting subject line needs to drive the same readership as sophisticated graphics."

<p>"Also, since the screen of a BlackBerry or other mobile device is about 320 pixels, messages should have a column of text that is no more than 50 characters for the easiest reading."

<p>In a previous article for, John Doub, the technical services vice-president of e-Dialog, said that mobile email marketing is no longer "a future opportunity" for businesses due to the growing popularity of portable devices.



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